Wow... It's Updated!!
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The Preview for Stu Darwin

The Cure

The Cure Preview

The Stennies

Chuck the Gator


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Hey we're back!!

As of 7/5/05:

Well, the site is back after a several month recuperation from a surprisingly common, but little known, disease called "skooltaikovr tetinosa," but our Golf War Studios fund is still stuck at $6.03! We're accepting donations, so find or email a GWS representative today! *Hint Hint*

NEW stuff:

    Old but recently thought about ideas:
    • Be on the watch for Golf War Studios T-Shirts and Stickers! Yes that's right, we are looking into paraphenelia production, so sit tight.
    • Quest for the Donut... it's still under progress, so feel free to kick us in the butt and say "Get a move on!"
    • Umm... the cooking show... it's coming... i swear... just trying to.. um.. compress it.. and stuff... okay okay okay i'll work on it more

    Coming soon (hopefully?!?):
    • The Cooking Show! Ingredients: testosterone, spatulas, stoves and food. Shake well and serve flambe.
    • Stenny 3! Our ideas are nothing compared to your questions... so email Stenny today!
    • Lauren's Bio!
    • Miranda's Bio...?
    • The Quest for the Donut...?
    • Other bios....?

    An image from the second of the much-anticipated Stennies