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The Preview for Stu Darwin

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The Cure Preview

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Unlike M, Kenny has clearly mastered the ropes.

Kenny is co-creator of Golf War Studios. He and his long time war companion Stefan were joking around one day when they stumbled across the idea. They had met each other on the field of battle back in Vietnam. After the war they kept in touch and were both very interested in the idea of making films together. Next thing you know, Golf War Studios was born.

Oh dear, look at that. Kenny has broken his stick.

Kenny shows off some rappelling stunts, daily reminders of his wartime experiences of jumping out of helicopters.

Kenny originally lived in Britain, then moved to New York. There he was drafted into the service for 'Nam. Once his term was up, he settled back into an ordinary life once again and became very involved in the media arts. He has been studying music for quite some time, as well as other forms of the arts. We're very lucky to have him with us in our studio here in Canada.

Oh, and on a side note, he has successfully married here in Canada.

